Saturday, August 14, 2010

Creative Landscaping

I did get back to the pottery studio to finish the teapot lid but before doing so we made a trip to what I'll call the brick dump.  Yesterday afternoon we put down the brick for a patio and created a path.  The previous owners had an above ground pool in this area of the back yard. Seemed to us like a good space to hardscape, add a fire pit, plant a tree and some grasses.  Tomorrow we'll get this project finished and I'll post a photo of our new fabulous back yard retreat.  I'm already thinking I'd like to try to fire some pottery in this fire pit....

Today- enjoying a day of rest!

1 comment:

  1. I do like the hardscape, and a potted tree is one of my favorite eye-treats! I'm looking forward to more pics. Thanks, Cappi!
