Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Silver White Winters and Rustic Ponies

I'm back, and with a few new creations to share!  It has been a while since I've posted anything but I promise I've not allowed my creativity to go slack.  I've been actively sculpting, crafting, daydreaming (hey, it's necessary in the creative process), and traveling - toting camera (in use), no less. 

This bas-relief bowl was specifically made with Kelly's Gallery (http://www.kellysgalleryatjoseph.com) in mind.  I began with a rolled slab of clay that was then pressed into a concave form. From there I began to press, scrape, carve and give life to the horse.  Once the horse was complete the bowl was bisque-fired and ready to be stained.  I chose stain rather than glaze for this piece because I wanted a rustic, almost stone surface. In a small sense this bowl might represent a composite of the "cowboy dishes" I remember my great-grandmother having and an antiquated pottery vessel from several millennia ago.  It only seemed fitting to give the rim a rope-like resemblance.

Are you finding opportunities to be creative this season?

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